The authorization Code Grant type is the most commonly used because it is optimized for server-side applications, where source code is not publicly exposed, and Client Secret confidentiality can be maintained.
Code Grant Flow:
Step 1: Authorization Code Link
Send a GET request to <OAUTH2_SERVER_URL >/auth?params…
OAuth 2.0 Server is sending a time limited code to the registered <callback_url>.
var client = new RestClient(Config.OAUTH2_SERVER_URL); var request = new RestRequest("auth", Method.GET); request.AddQueryParameter("response_type", "code"); request.AddQueryParameter("redirect_uri", Config.CALLBACK_URI); request.AddQueryParameter("client_id", Config.CLIENT_ID); request.AddQueryParameter("client_secret", Config.CLIENT_SECRET); request.AddQueryParameter("uri", "myUri"); request.AddQueryParameter("state", "myState"); request.AddQueryParameter("scope", "write");
Step 2: Token Link
Send a POST request to to <OAUTH2_SERVER_URL >/token?params…
When you add the received <CODE> server response with a json object with your access_token.
var client = new RestClient(Config.OAUTH2_SERVER_URL); var request = new RestRequest("token", Method.POST); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); request.AddQueryParameter("grant_type", "authorization_code"); request.AddQueryParameter("redirect_uri", Config.CALLBACK_URI); request.AddQueryParameter("client_id", Config.CLIENT_ID); request.AddQueryParameter("client_secret", Config.CLIENT_SECRET); request.AddQueryParameter("code", <CODE>); Example Json Response: {"access_token": "a49765jhfhgs.....", "refresh_token": "8768ehg3uyu34r....", "expires_in":1516714140406}
Step 3: Request Data from GAPI
Send a GET / POST request to to <RESOURCE_SERVER_URL>/gapi/v1/path….
Depending on called POST method you sometimes need to add:
to the Header.
Add the received < access_token > in the Request Header.
You are now authenticated against GAPI with roles defined in More Service.
var client = new RestClient(Config.RESOURCE_SERVER_URL); var request = new RestRequest(Config.RESOURCE_SERVER_PATH, Method.GET); request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + < access_token >); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");