The email templates used when the case is registered, closed, transferred to agents etc. can be edited.
The following templates can be used and edited:
1. Registration of case
2. Completion of case
3. Inform agent that the case is registered
4. Inform agent that the case is transferred
5. Suggested solution (sending a suggested solution to a customer, the case can be automatically closed after a certain amount of time)
6. Operation log (operation log can be sent from the "Extra" tab).
Create your template in the «Email setup» field and use variable parameters from the «Keywords» field.
The preview contains examples of text for keywords. You can also send a test to yourself to verify the email template
-The variable parameter \[URL\] can now be used in the template "Info to agent about transferred case". - The variable parameter \[Impact\] and \[Items\] are also possible to use now.